K. Male'
29 Jun 2018 | Fri 13:55
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaking at a Maldivian Democratic Party event
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaking at a Maldivian Democratic Party event
Ex-President Nasheed
Ex-President Nasheed to let go of MDP presidential ticket
Nasheed announced this in a tweet late Friday morning
Nasheed will officially withdraw his bid at the party's congress
While the EC has refused to accept Nasheed as a valid candidate, the UNHRC has called on the government to allow him to contest

Former President Mohamed Nasheed, who has been campaigning for the upcoming presidential elections, has withdrawn his ballot bid.

Nasheed, founder and presidential candidate of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), announced this in a tweet late Friday morning.

Nasheed’s tweet translates to, ‘out of respect for concerns that MDP may not have a presidential candidate accepted by the Elections Commission, I have decided to let go of the party ticket, this will be done officially at MDP’s third congress’.

The party congress will be held on Saturday at Ukulhas island of Alif Alif atoll. While Nasheed announced this, the Elections Commission previously said that they would penalize the party for allowing him to have contested in its primary vote.

The Elections Commission took this stand on the grounds of Nasheed having been convicted of terrorism charges, which have been described by the United Nations and the European Union along with the governments of several countries as politically motivated.

Earlier this year, the United Nations Human Rights Commission had also found that Nasheed’s conviction was the result of influenced and unjust judicial proceedings, and called on the Maldives to allow him to contest in the upcoming elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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