K. Male'
29 Jun 2018 | Fri 04:08
Villa College
Villa College
Villa College
Villa college to open window for September intake applications
Their September courses will be conducted throughout outlying atolls as well
Lessons are to commence within the first two weeks of September
Several courses in collaboration with England's Bristol, University of the West of England will also be conducted

Villa college has opened the opportunity to apply for their courses to be conducted in their September intake.

A total of 95 courses are to be conducted by Villa College this September, such as Information Technology, Computer Science, Business Management, Teaching, Education, Shariah and Law, basic subjects such as Islam and Dhivehi as well as Human Resources, Nursing, Economics, Accounting, Travel and Tourism, Hospitality, Public Health, Research, Marine Studies, Diving and Water sports.

Participants of September intake can apply for 13 courses in Masters, seven in Post-Graduate Diploma and Certificate, 20 in Degree, three in advanced diploma, 18 in diploma, 11 in foundation, 11 in three levels of certificate as well as eight in marine studies.

Within the courses include some conducted by Villa College itself and several masters and degree courses conducted in collaboration with Bristol, University of the West of England.

Villa College highlighted that these courses will not be conducted in QA Campus located in capital city Male’ alone, as such, said courses will be conducted in Naifaru Campus, Kulhudhuffushi Campus, Lake Side Campus in Funadhoo as well as their campus in Mahibadhoo island.

While those who wish to send in their applications may do so before the 05th of August, teaching will commence within the first two weeks of September.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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