K. Male'
28 Jun 2018 | Thu 08:56
Justice Abdulla Didi (r) Appointed Chief Justice Ahmed Abdulla Didi (c) and Justice Abdul Gani
Justice Abdulla Didi (r) Appointed Chief Justice Ahmed Abdulla Didi (c) and Justice Abdul Gani
SC Justices
Appointment of new SC justices is unlawful, say opposition aligned lawmakers
MP Hussain said that there are no vacant seats on the bench
The justices were appointed after the Criminal Court sentenced Chief Justice Saeed and Justice Hameed were sentenced to jail terms

The recent appointment of three justices to the Supreme Court bench is unlawful and cannot be accepted, opposition lawmakers say.

At a press conference after Wednesday’s vote, Kendhoo constituency MP Ali Hussain said that the appointment is unlawful due to no seats on the bench being vacant.

MP Hussain said that Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed have not yet been disqualified because a case over the matter is yet ongoing.

The lawmaker said that a final decision has yet to be heard on the matter of the justices’ disqualification and that they retain their seats until such a verdict.

The justices were appointed after the Criminal Court sentenced Chief Justice Saeed and Justice Hameed were sentenced to jail terms. 

Addu-Meedhoo constituency MP Rozaina Adam, of the Maldivian Democratic Party, said that the appointment only received 36 votes in favour, in the 85-seat parliament, and that this amount is less than adequate.

MP Rozaina further said that while a parliamentary review committee approved the names of the now appointed justices, none of their resumes had been included in deliberations or even been submitted.

Makunudhoo constituency MP Anaara Naseem, the only parliamentarian aligned with the Adhaalath Party, said that the appointment of justices were carried out in violation of parliamentary procedures.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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