K. Male'
17 Jan 2017 | Tue 18:30
Mohamed Ibthihaal was brutally beaten to death by his mother Afiya Mohamed
Mohamed Ibthihaal was brutally beaten to death by his mother Afiya Mohamed
Ibthihaal's Murder
5 State employees under prosecution over toddler’s death
Formal charges are already filed against 5 of them
Prosecutors have found negligence by 5 State employees over Ibthihaal's death

Five State employees have been charged with negligence over the death of the three-year-old boy who was allegedly beaten to death by his mother.

Prosecutors have found negligence on the part of a police officer and four officials of gender ministry. PG office have already filed formal charges against the five State employees who are accused of abandoning Mohamed Ibthihaal.

Ibthihaal was found dead in their home in Vaavu Atoll Rakeedhoo island with signs of severe physical abuse in January 2015.

The five employees are Lisaan Aboobakur of Bageechaa Ge, Baa Atoll Eydhafushi, Aminath Shiyaazaa of Nalahiyaa, Vaavu Atoll Fulidhoo, Ahmed Shuzaadh of Beach Villaa, Gaaf Dhaal Atoll Fiyoaree, Mohamed Rasheed of Nasreenu Ge, Gaaf Alif Atoll Dhevvadhoo and Mohamed Shakeeb of Gul’alaamaa Ge, Faafu Atoll Fee’ali.

According to a statement by Prosecutor General’s office, Lisaan Aboobakr was the Acting Commander of Maldives Police Northern Station designated to Vaavu Atoll, while Aminath Shiyaza and Ahmed Shuzadh were former staff of the Ministry of Gender and Family, adding that Mohamed Rasheed and Mohamed Shakeeb are currently employed at the Ministry.

Excluding Lisaan, all the others are charged with the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, Child Protection Act and Subject 88/D of the Penal Code. Lisaan is charged with an additional charge under the Police Constitution.

The referred penal code chapter states that “Disobedience to order authorized by Shari’ah or Law: Where such disobedience resulted in the death of a person the offender shall be subjected to punishment described by Islamic Law.”

Mohamed Ibthihaal’s mother, Afiya Mohamed is charged with first degree murder for beating her child to death. She had admitted to her charges last year January along with a detailed confession, describing how brutally she had beaten her three-year-old son. Afiya had also said that she hated her son as he was born out of matrimony.

Ibthihaal’s step grandfather Ismail Rauf, who is Afiya’s stepfather is also on trial for sexually abusing Ibthihaal. Rauf of Meemu Atoll Dhiggaru is reported to have sexually and physically abused Afiya and her son.

Rauf had been banished once before for abusing a step child, reported to be Afiya. He is accused of abusing Ibthihaal when the toddler had been under the care of his maternal grandmother from the age of one.

Ibthihaal’s death had grabbed the attention of the entire island nation and had sparked public outrage after state institutions were accused of failing to protect Ibthihaal and abuse victims.

Last updated at: 7 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz