K. Male'
23 Jun 2018 | Sat 17:32
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Nasheed
President Yameen must take responsibility for price hike following drop in Indian exports: Nasheed
President Yameen must take full responsibility for price hike in essential commodities following the decrease in Indian exports
It was revealed that there has been a sweeping drop in the quantity of exports of essential commodities from India to Maldives
Ties between both countries have been especially sour of late, ever since India called on President Yameen to implement the Supreme Court ruling on 01st February

Self-exiled former President Mohamed Nasheed has said that incumbent President Abdulla Yameen must take responsibility for a predicted hike in prices for essential commodities following the notification published by India over its exports to Maldives.

Nasheed took to twitter on Saturday afternoon, posting a tweet typed out in Dhivehi that the quota for essential commodities from India to Maldives has been significantly reduced following souring relations between both countries.

The former president said that this will be followed by a sharp price hike in essential commodities such as potatoes and sugar.

Nasheed goes on to say that President Yameen must take full responsibility for this.

While India had in a notification published titled “Supply of essential commodities to the Republic of Maldives during 2018-19” on the 21st of June showing a fixed number of essential commodities to be exported to the Maldives within the next year, the ties between both countries have been especially sour of late.

It was revealed that there has been a sweeping drop in the quantity of exports of essential commodities from India to Maldives.

As such, many have raised concerns over the difficulties faced by Indian citizens in visa approvals upon arriving in the Maldives for employment, with the news making the top headlines in Indian news outlets.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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