K. Male'
22 Jun 2018 | Fri 22:50
Jumhooree Party members take a vote at the party congress
Jumhooree Party members take a vote at the party congress
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Jumhooree Party
JP to vote for presidential candidate through primary
Previously, the party ticket is automatically given to the party leader
Only JP council members are allowed to contest and not ordinary members
JP also voted to change the regulation to allow members to contest for party president and vice president

Jumhoree Party (JP) has changed its regulations to choose its presidential candidate through a primary election.

Previously, the party ticket is automatically given to the party leader.

However, only JP council members are allowed to contest and not ordinary members.

At the party congress on Friday, JP has also voted to changed the regulation to allow members to contest for party president and vice president. According to the JP regulations, the president is the head of administration and some of the party leader’s powers are passed to the president if the leader is absent.

Also, at the congress, JP voted to limit some powers of the party president and to give those powers to the vice president. The amendment was passed with votes from 195 members.

303 JP members at the party congress held in Paradise Island Resort participated in the vote to pass the various amendments.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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