K. Male'
22 Jun 2018 | Fri 16:53
An Adhaalath Party press conference
An Adhaalath Party press conference
Thahaarah Mohamed Waheed
Adhaalath Party
Opposition parties have to back one presidential candidate: AP
There is no longer the capacity to hold a free and fair election, says AP
AP urged all opposition parties to put aside their differences and to work together for the good of the nation by backing a single presidential candidate
The Party added that it was an added encouragement for democracy to see opposition parties holding their national congress even through obstruction

Adhaalath Party (AP) has said that it was necessary for the opposition coalition parties to back a single candidate for this year’s presidential election.

In a press statement, AP also urged the need for a parliament that can re-establish a constitutional government that does not protect the interest of a few, as well as the need for an uncorrupt and fair justice system.

Noting that there is no longer the capacity to hold a free and fair election, AP said that they need to work to maintain the integrity of independent institutions and security forces.

Therefore, AP urged all opposition parties to put aside their differences and to work together for the good of the nation by backing a single presidential candidate to escape the tyranny of President Abdulla Yameen’s rule.

The Party added that it was an added encouragement for Maldivian democracy to see opposition parties holding their national congress even through government obstruction.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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