K. Male'
20 Jun 2018 | Wed 13:56
Former Home Minister Umar Naseer (l) and former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Former Home Minister Umar Naseer (l) and former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Social Media
Ex VP Ahmed Adeeb
Adeeb’s wife says Umar wanted death penalty for him
Mariyam Nashwa told this to RaajjeMV after Umar said that Adeeb should remain in prison
Nashwa claimed that Umar had made things difficult for Adeeb when he was first jailed
She also said that he was taking things too personally and trying to turn Adeeb into a scapegoat for government corruption

Jailed Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb’s wife has claimed that then-Home Minister Umar Naseer tried to bring back the death penalty in the hopes that it would be issued on Adeeb.

Mariyam Nashwa told this to RaajjeMV after Umar said that Adeeb should remain in prison.

Nashwa claimed that Umar had made things difficult for Adeeb when he was first jailed, including restricting familial visits, and removing the air conditioning in his cell. She added that Umar had even boasted of his actions to other people.

She also took to Twitter to condemn Umar for saying that Adeeb should always be behind bars by saying that he was taking things too personally and trying to turn Adeeb into a scapegoat for government corruption.

Nashwa highlighted that Umar was accused of breaking a detainee’s backbone when he was a police officer and was also investigated for corruption when the home ministry planned the festivities for Maldives 50th year anniversary of independence. She also claimed that he had also freed the suspect who had made the bomb that exploded inside the presidential speedboat.

Umar and Adeeb reportedly had differences of opinion during Adeeb’s time as tourism minister and then as vice president. Umar was also the first government official to accuse Adeeb of being behind the explosion on the presidential speedboat.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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