K. Male'
19 Jun 2018 | Tue 22:39
Jumhooree Party (JP) leader Qasim Ibrahim
Jumhooree Party (JP) leader Qasim Ibrahim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Opposition Coalition
Opposition members voice disapproval of Qasim's shadow cabinet
Qasim Ibrahim on Tuesday published names of his pick for his shadow cabinet that does not involve any members from MDP
Some have said that Qasim had placed them in his shadow cabinet without their approval or knowledge
Some have claimed that Qasim is trying to sour the relations MDP has with Gayoom and Adhaalath Party

Some members of the opposition coalition have expressed disapproval of Jumhooree Party (JP) leader Qasim Ibrahim publishing a list of his shadow cabinet member he had made on his own, while the coalition have still yet to pick a common presidential candidate.

Qasim Ibrahim on Tuesday published names of his pick for his shadow cabinet that does not involve any members from opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

His choice for cabinet members mainly consist of members of his party, as well as that of Adhaalath Party and the former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s faction of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives. He placed himself as president of the shadow cabinet, and Dr. Mohamed Jameel, the current administration’s first vice president, as his shadow vice president.

Some have said that Qasim had placed them in his shadow cabinet without their approval or knowledge. Abdulla Kamaludeen, who is Qasim’s pick for shadow labour minister, expressed disapproval that Qasim had picked him without asking him first.

A top JP official, on the condition of anonymity, said that Qasim’s move would create problems within the opposition coalition.

Qasim has been living in Germany since fleeing a prison sentence over a bribery conviction.

After Qasim published his list, Adhaalath Party stated that they will remain with the opposition coalition for the 2018 presidential election and will not join any other coalition.

Aminath Nadira, a top official of former President Gayoom’s faction, said that Qasim made his list without discussing it with Gayoom or his associates.

A JP official who is on Qasim’s shadow cabinet said that the party is still willing to discuss with MDP and that Qasim has said that he only published the list because the discussions within the opposition coalition on picking a common candidate had gone stale, adding that he is willing to make changes to the list if other parties make their own lists or form a coalition. He also said that if Qasim is unable to contest the election, he would give someone from his own coalition the chance to contest.

Some have claimed that Qasim is trying to sour the relations MDP has with Gayoom and Adhaalath Party. Qasim has said that MDP leader Mohamed Nasheed and the party’s senior lawmaker Ibrahim Mohamed Solih were not ‘clean’ enough to be presidential candidates.

Members of Adhaalath Party and Gayoom’s faction have criticized Qasim for picking himself as shadow president right after the police service issued a summons for him.

While MDP has not said anything officially, it has been proceeding with Nasheed’s campaign after giving him the party ticket.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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