K. Male'
19 Jun 2018 | Tue 18:54
Jumhoree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim
Jumhoree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
JP leader Qasim Ibrahim
Qasim’s excludes MDP from his shadow cabinet
Qasim placed himself as president of the shadow cabinet, and Dr. Mohamed Jameel, the current administration’s first vice president, as his shadow vice president
Qasim said he published his list of shadow cabinet members because the opposition coalition parties have not yet even announced their presidential candidate
Abdulla Kamaludeen on his Facebook page expressed disapproval that Qasim had picked him as his shadow labour minister without asking him first

Jumhoree Party (JP) leader Qasim Ibrahim on Tuesday issued a list of his shadow cabinet members that does not involve any members from Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

Qasim placed himself as president of the shadow cabinet, and Dr. Mohamed Jameel, the current administration’s first vice president, as his shadow vice president.

His choice for cabinet members mainly consist of members of his party, as well as that of Adhaalath Party and the former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s faction of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives.

His list is as follows:

Attorney General: Noorul Salam Aboobakur

Defense Minister: Ali Waheed

Home Minister: Abdulla Riyaz

Finance Minister: Dr. Mahmood Saudhee

Foreign Minister: Dunya Maumoon

Arts and Culture Minister: Yumna Maumoon

Housing Minister: Imran Abdulla

Tourism Minister: Col. Mohamed Nazim

Economic Minister: Mohamed Rasheed

Islamic Minister: Ali Zahir

Youth and Sports Minister: Mohamed Maleeh Jamal

Fisheries Minister: Dr. Hussain Rasheed

Health Minister: Dr. Shah Mahir

Higher Education Minister: Dr. Ahmed Fayaz

Labour Minister: Abdulla Kamaludeen

Transport Minister: Ameen Ibrahim

Gender Minister: Shidhaatha Shareef

Communication Minister: Dr. Abdulla Mausoom

Education Minister: Dr. Ahmed Asim

Qasim said he published his list of shadow cabinet members because the opposition coalition parties have not yet even announced their presidential candidate. However, Qasim said his party will still stand behind the candidate if the coalition announces one.

After his announcement, Abdulla Kamaludeen on his Facebook page expressed disapproval that Qasim had picked him as his shadow labour minister without asking him first.

On the same day, Adhaalath Party stated that they will remain with the opposition coalition for the 2018 presidential election and will not join any other coalition.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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