K. Male'
19 Jun 2018 | Tue 17:15
Maldives Ambassador to Japan Ibrahim Uwais
Maldives Ambassador to Japan Ibrahim Uwais
Foreign Ministry
Maldives Ambassador to Japan
Maldives Ambassador to Japan presents letter of appointment to Emperor
Uwais was appointed as Maldives Ambassador to Japan on the 15th of March
His nomination received parliamentary approval by 31 members in the sitting held on the 28th of February

Maldives Ambassador to Japan Ibrahim Uwais has presented his letter of appointment to Emperor of Japan Akihito, on Tuesday.

Uwais was appointed as the new Maldives Ambassador to Japan on the 15th of March in a ceremony held at the President’s office, after his nomination received parliamentary approval by 31 members in the sitting held on the 28th of February.

Opposition-aligned MPs had boycotted the sitting.

The Parliament's National Security Committee in their report stated that Uwais's name was approved following an evaluation, with the unanimous approval of all present Committee members.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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