K. Male'
17 Jun 2018 | Sun 23:19
The final asphalt layer being laid at Velana International Airport
The final asphalt layer being laid at Velana International Airport
Velana International Airport
Work on new Velana airport runway almost done
MACL said that laying the final asphalt layer was a historic day
The new runway is funded by USD 400-million loan from China’s Exim Bank
It is being developed by Beijing Urban Construction Group (BUCG)

The final asphalt layer is being laid on the new runway in Velana International Airport.

Maldives Airports Company Ltd (MACL) stated that they began the work on Saturday and will be completed within a month.

On Twitter, MACL said that laying the final asphalt layer was a historic day.

The new runway is funded by USD 400-million loan from China’s Exim Bank and is being developed by Beijing Urban Construction Group (BUCG).

The new runway measures 3,400 meters in length and 60 meters in width. Once completed, Airbus A380 planes will be able to land on the runway. Additionally, the airport will have a fuel farm, capable of storing 45 million liters, and storage areas that can store 120,000 tons of goods.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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