K. Male'
15 Jun 2018 | Fri 15:00
INC president Mahatma Gandhi at a party rally
INC president Mahatma Gandhi at a party rally
Maldives - India
INC president Rahul Gandhi chimes in on relations between Maldives and India
Relations between India and Maldives have been especially sour since it called on the island nation to implement the Supreme Court of February 1

India’s deteriorating relationship with Maldives is the result of the government’s neglectful policies, says Indian National Congress president Rahul Gandhi.

Gandhi said this through a post on his Twitter account.

The tweet refers to an article on ‘The Hindu’ that reports on allegations that the local immigration has stopped issue work permits to Indian nationals at the direct order of the government.

Relations between India and Maldives have been especially sour since it called on the island nation to implement the Supreme Court of February 1, which President Yameen describes as an attempted “judicial coup”. India continues its call to implement the “ruling issued by the Supreme Court’s full bench”.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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