K. Male'
15 Jun 2018 | Fri 14:09
Mass congregations have been held at the stadium for years
Mass congregations have been held at the stadium for years
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Eid al-Fitr 1439
Malé residents attend mass congregation for Eid al-Fitr prayer
Residents of administrative-mainland Malé gathered at the Maafannu stadium
Residents of Hulhumalé, the capital city’s fast developing urban extension, had gathered at the central park
Maldives first began holding them in 2012

The annual mass congregation for Eid al-Fitr prayers in capital city Malé has been held this year as well at the Maafannu stadium.

While residents of administrative-mainland Malé gathered at the stadium, residents of suburban extension Vilimalé congregated at their football stadium.

Residents of Hulhumalé, the capital city’s fast developing urban extension, had gathered at the central park.

Mass congregations have been held at the stadium for years. While mass congregation for Eid al-Fitr prayers has been customary around the world, Maldives first began holding them in 2012.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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