K. Male'
15 Jun 2018 | Fri 13:11
Relations between India and Maldives have been especially sour since it called on the island nation to implement the Supreme Court of February 1
Relations between India and Maldives have been especially sour since it called on the island nation to implement the Supreme Court of February 1
Times of India
Maldives - India
Immigration refusing work permits for Indians is at directive of President's Office: The Hindu
Relations between India and Maldives have been especially sour since it called on the island nation to implement the Supreme Court of February 1

Indian nationals are refused work permits into Maldives at the ‘strict directive’ of the President’s Office, an article run by an Indian newspaper has reported.

The article, on the griming relations between India and the Maldives have ‘hit Indian job opportunities, alleges that a number of state officials – on the condition of anonymity – informed the newspaper that ‘there appeared to be a “strict directive” from the Maldivian President’s Office’.

The article includes quotes from a number of Indian nationals employed at a company operating in the Maldives, expressing concern about the matter.

While Wednesday’s article has caused concern over the deteriorating relations between India and the Maldives, a local business owner said in April that visa requests for his Indian employees are being delayed.

In response to this, Maldives Immigration Controller Mohamed Anwar previously denied withholding work permits for Indian nationals.

RaajjeMV reached out to the President’s Office but was unable to obtain a comment at the tme of publishing.

Relations between India and Maldives have been especially sour since it called on the island nation to implement the Supreme Court of February 1, which President Yameen describes as an attempted “judicial coup”. India continues its call to implement the “ruling issued by the Supreme Court’s full bench”, and not one passed later after the contentious arrests of two justices. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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