K. Male'
14 Jun 2018 | Thu 08:33
A team from Maldivian Democratic Party is currently in Ukulhas to prepare for upcoming national congress meeting
A team from Maldivian Democratic Party is currently in Ukulhas to prepare for upcoming national congress meeting
Maldivian Democratic Party
MDP team in Ukulhas to prepare for upcoming congress meeting
MDP's national congress meeting is to be held on June 29-30
The party decided to hold the meeting in Ukulhas after failing to secure a venue in the capital
It accused the government of not giving them the space to hold the congress meeting in Malé

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has begun preparations for its upcoming national congress meeting, which is to be held in Ukulhas island of Alif Alif atoll.

The meeting is to be held on June 29-30.

A team from MDP is currently in Ukulhas, and preparations are underway. Leading the team is the chair of the Congress Committee, Ali Hashim.

This team is to finalize a venue for the meeting, and is in charge of the all the preparations as well.

They will also arrange the accommodation for the various party officials that will be attending the meeting.

MDP made the decision to hold the national congress meeting in Ukulhas after failing to secure a location in capital Male' City. The party’s chair Hassan Latheef accused incumbent President Abdulla Yameen's government of not giving them the space to hold the congress meeting in Malé, despite requests.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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