K. Male'
13 Jun 2018 | Wed 16:31
Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital
Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital
Azmoon Ahmed
Applications open for second round of IGMH's medical internship program
Opportunity will be opened for five in the second round
Application has been open till the 03rd of July
Applications can be submitted via e-mail as well

Opportunity has been opened for second round of Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH)'s medical internship program.

According to IGMH, application will be open from the 12th of June till the 03rd of July. Five individuals will be given the opportunity to participate in the second round of the internship program.

Qualifications required by applicants include having completed bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery as well as being certified under the “Provisional Registration for Internship” by Maldives Medical and Dental Council.

While application forms will be accepted through e-mail as well, forms will be available at the Medical Internship Office on weekdays between 09:00 a.m and 12:00 p.m.

According to IGM Hospital, they will follow through in selecting partakers in the submitted order.

While the second round has been scheduled to commence, the first round was hosted in January this year which was partaken by six individuals including five Maldivians and one foreigner.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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