K. Male'
12 Jun 2018 | Tue 16:35
An Aasandha office outlet
An Aasandha office outlet
National Health Insurance
Aasandha says it will pursue legal action against 'false media reports'
Aasandha denounced such reports as misleading citizens about the nature of its service
Recent reports claim that the Hulhumalé hospital had refused to provide emergency treatment to an accident victim

The national health insurance provider Aasandha has said that it will pursue legal action against any organizations or individuals that create or perpertuate any false information about it.

The service said in a statement on Monday that there have been reports in local media and social networking platforms that slander the Aasandha service and the state-run hospital in Hulhumalé.

Aasandha denounced such reports as misleading citizens about the nature of its service. Aasandha is referring to an incident on 10th May where a victim of a motorcycle accident had been brought to the hospital for treatment after a severe accident.

Reports claim that the hospital had refused to provide emergency treatment to the accident victim because he had no valid identification and therefore services could not be logged through the insurance service.

The reports further claimed that the police officers who brought the accident victim to the hospital had also been told that he could not be treated without a memo.

The hospital had also released a statement refuting the reports. 24-year-old Mohamed Sobah, whose family having had him transfered to the privately-run Tree Top Hospital, had succumbed to his injuries.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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