K. Male'
12 Jun 2018 | Tue 16:02
The school’s ‘community club’ ran the fund-raising drive on Monday
The school’s ‘community club’ ran the fund-raising drive on Monday
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Ghiyasuddin International
GIS students raise MVR 20,000 for special needs facility
The school’s ‘community club’ ran the fund-raising drive on Monday
Funds collected were donated to the Girl Guide Association
MVR 20,000 was earmarked for donation to the institute

Students of Ghiyasuddin International School held a fund-raising drive on Monday and amounts collected were donated to a special needs institute in Guraidhoo island.

The semi-privately operated school’s ‘community club’ ran the fund-raising drive on Monday, and students from across their first to tenth grades as well as parents had participated.

Funds collected were donated to the Girl Guide Asscoiation which is currently running an ‘Eid festival’ for the upcoming holiday, as part of which they donated gifts to be distributed by the Health Ministry. 

The fund-raising event garnered MVR 20,000, which was earmarked to be donated to the Centre for People with Mental Disability. 

The Centre for People with Mental Disability is an in-patient mental care facility and is one of few run by the state. While conditions have been improved and are to par, staffing and budget shortfalls are key challenges to the center.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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