K. Male'
08 Jun 2018 | Fri 10:54
The price for a kilogram has increased to MVR 40
The price for a kilogram has increased to MVR 40
Local Market
Prices of Luffa at Malé market increase as well
Prices of Luffa were around MVR 30 for a kilogram before Ramadan
The price for a kilogram has increased to MVR 40
Prices of other goods have also increased

A drop in supply of Luffa, used mostly for their seeds, has caused prices to swell at the local market.

While prices of Luffa were around MVR 30 for a kilogram before Ramadan, the price for a kilogram has increased to MVR 40.

Prices of other goods, such as lettuce and other green leaves, as well as watermelons have increased.

The price of fish have also increased.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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