K. Male'
08 Jun 2018 | Fri 09:03
Elections Commission chief Ahmed Shareef
Elections Commission chief Ahmed Shareef
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Elections Commission
Elections Commission will not tolerate any acts undermining upcoming elections: chief Ahmed Shareef
Shareef said this at a press conference on Thursday
The commission has announced the date for polling
Shareef had also guaranteed the commission’s commitment to ensuring elections are fair

The Elections Commission will not be tolerating acts that could in anyway undermine the upcoming presidential elections, says commission chief Ahmed Shareef.

Shareef said at a press conference on Thursday, where the commission announced the date for polling, that any such acts will be dealt with accordingly.

Ballots are set for 23rd September, and Shareef said at Thursday’s conference that the commission is already discussing security with the police.

Shareef had also guaraunteed the commission’s commitment to ensuring that the elections are free and fair.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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