K. Male'
07 Jun 2018 | Thu 17:21
File Photo: Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed waves as he is being transferred back after a court hearing
File Photo: Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed waves as he is being transferred back after a court hearing
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed
High Court upholds verdict on CJ Saeed in obstruction case over GEMS suspension
Chief Justice Saeed was sentenced to four months and 24 days in prison on May 8
Criminal Court found him guilty of obstruction of justice for ordering the suspension of Government e-Letter Management System (GEMS) at the Supreme Court
CJ Saeed, along with Justice Hameed, have also been sentenced to one year, seven months and six days in jail for the obstruction of state functioning

The High Court has upheld Criminal Court's sentencing of Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, finding him guilty of obstruction of justice.

At the hearing held on Thursday, High Court noted that there are no legal grounds to change any components of the Criminal Court verdict issued on the Chief Justice.

The case was overseen by High Court Judges Sujau Usman, Abdul Ghani Mohamed and Hassan Ali.

Criminal Court sentenced him to four months and 24 days in prison on May 8, after finding him guilty of obstruction of justice for ordering the suspension of Government e-Letter Management System (GEMS) at the Supreme Court. It noted that witness statements show that CJ Saeed had ordered to suspend the system after sending in certain documents, and that Supreme Court employees had followed his order to do so.

Chief Justice Saeed, along with Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed, have also been sentenced to one year, seven months and six days in jail for the obstruction of state functioning. During the appeal process in the case, High Court had upheld their guilty verdict, but decided to reduce the sentence to on year, two months and 12 days.

Saeed and Hameed also face charges of terrorism and conspiring to overthrow the government for which the trials are proceeding.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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