K. Male'
29 May 2018 | Tue 14:46
Male\' City Mayor Shifa Mohamed on Fala Surukhee Program
Male' City Mayor Shifa Mohamed on Fala Surukhee Program
MDP Primaries
'We will beat this government again tomorrow': Shifa Mohamed
Shifa described MDP's primary election as another opportunity for the public to take a stance against the brutality of the active government
Shifa stated that there is no reason why people shouldn't be able to vote for the candidate they prefer since the constitution allows freedom of expression and thoughts to every citizen
She also highlighted the importance of MDP backing Former President Mohamed Nasheed at a time like this

Male' City Mayor and Women's Wing President of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Shifa Mohamed has said that the public has voted against the current government in every election in the past and that the party primaries planned for Wednesday will demonstrate public's support for MDP which will also be perceived as a loss for the administration. 

While speaking at Fala Surukhee program by RaajjeMV on Monday, Shifa described MDP's primary election as another opportunity for the public to take a stance against the brutality of the active government. 

As the constitution allows freedom of expression and thoughts to every Maldivian citizen, Shifa stated that there is no reason why people shouldn't be able to vote for the candidate they prefer. 

The mayor also said that MDP is not worried about the threats by the government regarding the party primaries and added that she trusted members of the party to come out and vote regardless of the intimidation. 

Furthermore, Shifa Mohamed stated that it is up to the citizens of Maldives to determine a presidential candidate for 2018 and that the public finally has a chance to say no to President Abdulla Yameen. Therefore, she highlighted the importance of MDP backing Former President Mohamed Nasheed at a time like this. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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