K. Male'
29 May 2018 | Tue 09:40
Artist Baachy with his painting of President Nasheed at Hangout Cafe\'
Artist Baachy with his painting of President Nasheed at Hangout Cafe'
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Jazeera Raees campaign
'Jazeera Raees' meets with the youth: artists showcase their talents
Several artists showcased their artwork at the campaign event held at Hangout Cafe' on Monday night
Positive comments from the former president regarding their art pieces were perceived as motivation to go forward in their creative careers
President Nasheed said that artists are people who continue to share their speculations with the public in different forms without getting influenced by others

Maldivian Democratic Party's (MDP) exclusive candidate Former President Mohamed Nasheed held a campaign event focussed on the youth in Male' on 28th May. 

While many young adults joined the 'Jazeera Raees' campaign event held at Hangout Cafe' on Monday night, several artists showcased their artwork. Artworks included youth-related art and art that portray the current socio-political situation of the Maldives. The artists shared their work with President Nasheed through Skype. 

Artists at Jazeera Raees campaign event

Some of the artists who took part in the event informed RaajjeMV that they were extremely happy to meet President Nasheed and interact with him in such a manner. Additionally, positive comments from the former president regarding their art pieces were perceived as motivation to go forward in their creative careers. 

Meanwhile, President Nasheed said that artists are people who continue to share their speculations with the public in different forms without getting influenced by others. 

Live painting at Jazeera Raees campaign event

'There is no doubt that we picture things, feel things, understand things more deeply through the works of artists. Therefore I do not believe that a country can be shaped without its artists. While engineers and doctors are important people, artists are the ones who give meaning to things, portray things from different perspectives and describes their thoughts without getting influenced by others', said the former president while addressing the artists. 

In the campaign event which included live music, several young musicians performed apart from well-known singer and activist Mezzo Mohamed, 

Well-known artists Mezzo Mohamed performing at the campaign event

While the former president's campaign run conducted an event focussing on youth talent, they hoped to hold a final rally of the campaign in the carnival area in the capital on May 29. However, they were not given the approval to hold the event there. Additionally, the former president's campaign manager also noted that the campaign team is working tirelessly to hold campaign activities in each and every inhabited island in the country before the party primary on May 30. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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