K. Male'
29 May 2018 | Tue 01:40
Gasim Ibrahim\'s newly assigned political adviser and Former Chairperson of Maldivian Democratic Party Ali Waheed
Gasim Ibrahim's newly assigned political adviser and Former Chairperson of Maldivian Democratic Party Ali Waheed
Social Media
Ali Waheed
Ali Waheed wishes MDP well despite differences in opinion
Ali Waheed tweeted thanking President Nasheed and added that he will always wish MDP success even though their ideologies might differ
Ali Waheed played an important role in achieving party goals at the frontline of the party
While he resigned from the position in 2016, Ali Waheed has recently joined Jumhooree Party

Gasim Ibrahim's newly assigned political adviser and Former Chairperson of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Ali Waheed has said that despite having different opinions on certain things, he would always wish MDP well.

Former President and MDP's leader Mohamed Nasheed posted a tweet appreciating the support and services provided by Ali Waheed in the past few years.

In response to which, the political adviser tweeted thanking President Nasheed and added that he will always wish MDP success even though their ideologies might differ. 

Former Chairperson Ali Waheed played an important role in achieving party goals at the frontline of the party.

While he resigned from the position in 2016, Ali Waheed has recently joined Jumhooree Party (JP). 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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