K. Male'
27 May 2018 | Sun 15:49
A Maldivian airline plane
A Maldivian airline plane
Maldivian Airlines
Three banned from Maldivian airline after threatening crew
Five men ware accused of using derogatory language against the cabin crew
Three were arrested, and released on Saturday with conditions
One of the conditions include, not flying Maldivian airline for a period of six months

Three men, arrested for threatening the cabin crew of a Maldivian plane on Friday, have been banned from flying the airline for a period of six months.

Five men are accused of using derogatory language against the cabin crew, after the plane landed at Kadhdhoo island of Laamu atoll on Friday night.

While all five were summoned to the Kadhdhoo Police Station afte the incident was reported, three of them were arrested. They were released by the Laamu atoll Magistrate Court on Saturday with conditions, including not flying via Maldivian airline for six months.

They are to cooperate with police in the investigation as well.

While the police spokesperson confirmed to RaajjeMV that the three were released on conditions, details of the said conditions were not specified.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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