K. Male'
27 May 2018 | Sun 08:36
Kulhudhuffushi breakwater collapses
Kulhudhuffushi breakwater collapses
Kulhudhuhfushi Online
Kulhudhuffushi Island
Breakwater around newly reclaimed land in Kulhudhuffushi crumbles
The breakwater crumbled from the north-western side and it was due to the rainshowers and rough seas
Waves are flooding into the island following which islanders have started to express their concern over the matter on social media

The stone breakwater around the newly reclaimed land in Haa Dhaal atoll Kulhudhuffushi island has crumbled, causing several damages.

According to an islander, the breakwater crumbled from the north-western side and it was due to the rainshowers and rough seas that are pursuing following the bad weather prevailing over the country.

The islander said that stones had fallen off the breakwater, causing large chunks to collapse, creating openings through which waves are flooding into the island following which islanders have started to express their concern over the matter on social media.

The government had reclaimed a land area of 12 hectares using Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC)'s new dredger "Mahaa Jarraafu" for the airport developement project in Kulhudhuffushi island taken on by the MTCC back in December 2017.

Six hectares of land has been reclaimed from the island’s sea side and nine hectares from their mangrove area following which the government received intense criticism from the public especially Ecocare Maldives.

Government had stated that the airport development project will be completed by August 2018.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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