K. Male'
27 May 2018 | Sun 00:04
Education Minister Dr. Aishath Shiham handing over a tablet to a teacher
Education Minister Dr. Aishath Shiham handing over a tablet to a teacher
Ministry of Education
Education Sector
Teachers concerned over ‘exploitative’ agreement to receive tablets
The teacher has to take full responsibility for any damages to the tablet
If they cannot repay the education ministry for the tablet, the amount will be taken from their salaries
The former Aminiya School principal questioned whether the agreement was meant to exploit the teachers

Some teachers have said that the agreement they sign to receive the government-issued tablets is exploitative.

The agreement states that the teacher has to take full responsibility for any damages to the tablet and that if the device is broken or lost then the teacher should pay for it according to the instructions given by the education ministry.

It also states that teachers have to hand over their tablets if they resign, are dismissed, or transfer to another school and that if they cannot repay the education ministry for the tablet, the amount will be taken from their salaries.

Teachers have to also agree that they will not use the information and resources given to them through the school-issued tablet ID for non-work purposes and that they will not have non-work-related software and media in the tablets.

Athiya Naseer, the former Aminiya School principal, on Twitter questioned whether the agreement was meant to exploit the teachers.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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