K. Male'
24 May 2018 | Thu 12:55
Mohamed “Amity Seytu” Hassanfulhu passed away late Wednesday night
Mohamed “Amity Seytu” Hassanfulhu passed away late Wednesday night
“Amity Seytu”
Renowned businessman 'Amity Seytu' passes away at 77
He was admitted at IGMH since May 16 after sudden deterioration in health
Mohamed Hassanfulhu is among the first five merchants to import goods into the country
He leaves behind a wife and 10 children

Renowned businessman, Mohamed “Amity Seytu” Hassanfulhu has passed away at the age of 77.

According to his family, Hassanfulhu had been admitted at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) since the first day of Ramadan (May 16) and had passed away late Wednesday night.

Hassanfulhu, who had once served as an MP for Thaa atoll, had served in the military during former President Ibrahim Nasir’s administration. He is among the first five merchants to import goods into the country as well.

He leaves behind a wife and 10 children.

Hassanfulhu’s funeral service is to be held on Thursday afternoon, after Asr prayer.

Following the news of his passing, former President Mohamed Nasheed sent a condolence message to the family via twitter, and described Hassanfulhu as ‘a friend’ who was’ encouraging and helpful’ during Maldivian Democratic Party’s foundation.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
- comment
6 years ago
inna lillahi vainaa ilaih raajioon mohamed hassanfulhube we belong to allah and to him we shall return ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????aishko ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????aishko