K. Male'
23 May 2018 | Wed 07:06
Dhidhdhoo Council President Ali Hashim
Dhidhdhoo Council President Ali Hashim
Arrest of Local Councilor
Dhidhdhoo Council President arrested
He was arrested over his suspected involvement in giving fake documents to the government
Hashim is a critic of the government and member of the main opposition party
Haa Alif atoll had been preparing for MDP’s primary election at the time of his arrest

HA. Dhidhdhoo Council President Ali Hashim has been arrested.

The council chief critical of the government was arrested early Wednesday morning after police searched his house for fake documents.

According to the court order, he was arrested over his suspected involvement in the Dhidhdhoo Council giving fake documents to the Local Government Authority on March 1 and for the likeliness that he might influence witnesses and erase evidence. He was also arrested for reasons of security on the suspicion that he might influence the case and obstruct the process of justice.

His arrest and home search were ordered by the HA. Ihavandhoo magistrate court.  The police probe is based on secret information.

Hashim was once suspended in September for allegedly sending letters to locals saying that he would create a new list of owners of the housing units in Dhidhdhoo after the government published its own list.

Hashim is critical of the Local Government Authority and government policies and plays a senior role in main opposition party MDP activities in the island. All five councilors in Dhidhdhoo are MDP members.

Haa Alif atoll had been preparing for MDP’s primary election at the time of his arrest.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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