K. Male'
23 May 2018 | Wed 06:21
Fogging for mosquitoes in Sh. Lhaimagu
Fogging for mosquitoes in Sh. Lhaimagu
Dengue fever
Dengue spreads in Lhaimagu
A local told RaajjeMV that people are falling ill at an alarming rate
Many of the 150 students are not being sent to the island’s school
The spread of dengue has increased due to the current rainy weather

School attendance has dropped in Sh. Lhaimagu due to the increase of dengue fever.

A local told RaajjeMV that people are falling ill at an alarming rate.

Lhaimagu Council said that many of the 150 students are not being sent to the island’s school and that although the education ministry has been notified of the issue, no decision has been made on closing the school.

The council said that they are spreading awareness among locals as well as fogging and cleaning the island and removing places where stagnant water might accumulate.

The spread of dengue has increased due to the current rainy weather.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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