K. Male'
22 May 2018 | Tue 08:32
Former Member of Parliament Ahmed Easa speaking at Fala Surukhee Program
Former Member of Parliament Ahmed Easa speaking at Fala Surukhee Program
2018 Presidential Elections
Former MDP lawmaker calls on EC chief to not 'meddle' with elections
Ahmed Easa has urged EC President Shareef to stop altering activities regarding presidential elections according to President Yameen's demands
He said that President Yameen attempts to eradicate the opposing candidates and that EC is currently working on doing so
Easa also said that the opposition will force the government to hold the upcoming Presidential Election if it comes to that and assured that they will secure MDP's candidacy

Former Member of Parliament (MP) Ahmed Easa has urged Elections Commission's (EC) President Ahmed Shareef to stop altering activities leading up to the upcoming Presidential Election according to President Yameen Abdul Gayyoom's demands.

While speaking at RaajjeTV's 'Fala Surukhee' Program, Easa accused President Yameen of failing to follow laws and regulations in the political sphere. He also highlighted President Yameen's efforts to eradicate the opposing candidates and added that EC is currently working on doing so. 

'We will win this elections even if we have to get the current government and President to bend over. We will beat the government with the ballot papers if we must do so to win. It is very clear', said former MP Easa. 

Furthermore, the former parliament member said that the opposition will force the government to hold the upcoming Presidential Election if it comes to that and assured that they will secure MDP's candidacy. Easa also said that they won't let EC interfere with the elections held for the citizens of Maldives to determine their president. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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