K. Male'
21 May 2018 | Mon 09:42
Man sprays for mosquitoes
Man sprays for mosquitoes
Spread of Disease
Cases of dengue, influenza have increased: HPA
HPA said the increase is related to the lifestyle change during the month of Ramadan
Since there are an increasing number of infected patients at hospitals, the agency advised those visiting hospitals to go with as few companions as possible
The agency added that people should practice good hygiene and eat well

Health Protection Agency (HPA) has advised people to be cautious due to the increase of cases of dengue, influenza, and viral fever.

In a statement on Sunday, HPA said that incidences of viral infections have spiked.

HPA said that the spread of influenza has also increased and that it was related to the lifestyle change during the fasting month of Ramadan.

Since there are an increasing number of infected patients at hospitals, the agency advised those visiting hospitals to go with as few companions as possible and not to take children and the elderly.

HPA also advised people who have caught fever to increase their fluid intake and not to take any prescriptions other than paracetamol before going to the doctor.

The agency added that people should practice good hygiene and eat well.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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