K. Male'
20 May 2018 | Sun 17:16
People making zakat payments during last year\'s Ramadan -- Photo by: Mohamed Sharuhaan
People making zakat payments during last year's Ramadan -- Photo by: Mohamed Sharuhaan
Zakat Al-Fitr
Zakat Al-Fitr accepted from today onward
Zakat Al Fitr will be accepted from 20th May, Sunday from 10:30 am to 01:00 pm onward
Payments can be made at the Islamic Center, Hulhumale' Community Center and the Housing Ministry Unit in Villimale' and island councils
Payments can be made through Dhiraagu or Ooredoo networks, and Islamic Bank or BML

As per Islamic Ministry's announcement, Zakat Al Fitr will be accepted from 20th May, Sunday onward. 

The said announcement clarified that zakat payments can be made from 10:30 am to 01:00 pm at Islamic Center, Hulhumale' Community Center and the Housing Ministry Unit in Villimale', while island councils will accept payments in the atolls. 

In addition to which zakat payments will be accepted through SMS from either Ooredoo or Dhiraagu networks and the ministry has organized a way to make payments through Islamic Bank and Bank of Maldives (BML). 

The amount for zakat is said to be money worth 2.4 kg rice grain per person. Islamic Ministry has said that one must donate money worth 2.4 kg of the general type of rice grains used by the individual throughout the year. The average person in Male' has to pay MVR 13 per person if calculated with normal rice grains, MVR 43 if its Thai rice grains and MVR 81 if its Basmati rice as Zakat al Fitr. 

Islamic Ministry has said that they received around three million as zakat payments last year with which they were able to donate 16,000 citizens registered in the list of poor at a rate of MVR 1250 per person. Only people registered in the list of poor at the ministry will receive zakat. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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