K. Male'
19 May 2018 | Sat 13:57
Former Islamic Minister and senior Adhaalath Party (AP) member Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree
Former Islamic Minister and senior Adhaalath Party (AP) member Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree
Ex-Minister Majeed
Dr. Majeed in intensive care due to sudden health deterioration
Dr. Majeed's health condition suddenly deteriorated during a trip to Sri Lanka
He was found on the floor of his temporary room in Colombo before being taken to the hospital
Also, some of his family members traveled to Sri Lanka on Friday night

Former Islamic Minister and senior Adhaalath Party (AP) member Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree is currently receiving treatment in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due to a sudden health issue. 

RaajjeMV understands that Dr. Majeed's health condition suddenly deteriorated during a trip to Sri Lanka and that he was found on the floor of his temporary room in Colombo before being taken to the hospital. As he is currently receiving treatment in the ICU, Dr Majeed is also preparing for a surgery according to the information received by the station. However there has been no further information regarding the former minister's present health condition. 

Furthermore, some of his family members traveled to Sri Lanka on Friday night due to Dr. Majeed's unexpected health situation.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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