K. Male'
18 May 2018 | Fri 17:33
Islamic Center in Male\'
Islamic Center in Male'
Friday Sermon
Fast during Ramadan to save self from hell: Friday sermon
This Friday’s sermon was titled “Ramadan is the month to save self from hell.”

The Friday sermon has advised Maldivians to complete every fast during this month of Ramadan to save themselves from hell.

This Friday’s sermon was titled “Ramadan is the month to save self from hell.”

The sermon advised adherents to obey God and follow his commandment by fasting and to remain steadfast in avoiding sinful behavior.

The sermon also advised adherents to pray five times a day in congregation,s as it legitimizes the fasts, and to strengthen relations with family members, friends, and fellow Muslims.

Ramadan should also be a month where Muslims exercise kindness and provide feasts for those breaking fasts, the sermon said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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