K. Male'
18 May 2018 | Fri 15:45
Adhaalath Party (AP) member Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree
Adhaalath Party (AP) member Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree
Maumoon's Health
Government should be ashamed of jailing those who contribute to country: Dr Majeed
In a tweet on Thursday, Dr Majeed expressed concern over the jailing of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Dr Majeed said that Maumoon is more courageous than to accept false charges

The government should be ashamed of jailing those who have spent their entire lives contributing to the country, says Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree, senior Adhaalath Party (AP) member and former Islamic minister.

In a tweet on Thursday, Dr Majeed expressed concern over the jailing of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

In the tweet, Dr Majeed shared a news article on Maumoon’s 100 days in jail and used the hashtag #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners.

In another tweet sharing an article on the opposition coalition’s statement that Maumoon will not give in no matter how long he is kept in jail, Dr Majeed said that Maumoon is more courageous than to accept false charges.

Maumoon has been charged with terrorism for attempting to overthrow the government and has been remanded for the rest of his trial.

Doctors have diagnosed him with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) which is a disorder that causes a false sensation of spinning. Due to this, Maumoon has been advised to have someone with him at all times as he might fall unconscious and hurt himself. However, the authorities have ignored his family’s appeal for him to be transferred to house arrest.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
- comment
6 years ago
After contributing can they do what ever they want