K. Male'
17 May 2018 | Thu 16:15
Member of Parliament (MP) for Galolhu Dhekunu Constituency Ahmed Mahloof
Member of Parliament (MP) for Galolhu Dhekunu Constituency Ahmed Mahloof
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Mahloof
'Government should focus on improving jail conditions instead of raising allegations': Mahloof
MP Mahloof accused MCS of negligence over the death of several prisoners
'It would be better if MCS prioritized on addressing the issue of the ongoing inhumane treatments in the prisons': Mahloof
He added that it is a serious issue that over 10 prisoners have died within last year and urged senior staff of MCS to take responsibility for it

Member of Parliament (MP) for Galolhu Dhekunu Constituency Ahmed Mahloof has said that instead of raising allegations over tweets, the government should focus on improving the conditions of the prisons, especially given that prisoners are dying due to their negligence. 

Regarding Human Rights Commission of Maldives' (HRCM) request to Prosecutor General (PG) Office to raised charges against some individuals, following the completion of its investigation into the death of Abdulla Rasheed, MP Mahloof told RaajjeMV that while he is being charged over a tweet, HRCM has found Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) accountable for Rasheed's death. Additionally, he accused MCS of negligence over the death of several prisoners. 

The parliamentarian on house arrest said that it would be better if MCS prioritized on addressing the issue of the ongoing inhumane treatments in the prisons and called to dismiss the allegations against him. 

In a tweet posted on 20th May, Mahloof accused the authorities of killing prisoners due to their failure to provide adequate medical treatment to the deceased. He added that it is a serious issue that over 10 prisoners have died within last year and urged senior staff of MCS to take responsibility for it. 

At the last hearing on MP Mahloof's aforementioned trial, he told the presiding judge Ali Adam to 'make a decision that the judge deems fair'. 

Since the preliminary hearings of MP Mahloof's trial is over, the court will take witness statements at the next hearing held on the 20th of this month. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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