K. Male'
17 May 2018 | Thu 16:23
\'Jazeera Raees\' campaign team
'Jazeera Raees' campaign team
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Nasheed Campaign
President Nasheed's campaign team leaves to Baa atoll
The team lead by Member of Parliament (MP) for Hithadhoo Dhekunu Constituency Ali Nizar consists of MDP parliamentarians and members of the party's National Congress
They plan on travelling to 14 islands in Baa atoll in the campaign run under the title 'Jazeera Raees'
In addition to Baa atoll, a campaign team also plans on leaving to Huvadhu atoll on Thursday night

A group from Former President Mohamed Nasheed's campaign team left to Baa atoll today as part of his campaign to secure Maldivian Democratic Party’s (MDP) ticket for this year’s presidential election.

The aformentioned team lead by Member of Parliament (MP) for Hithadhoo Dhekunu Constituency Ali Nizar consists of MDP parliamentarians and members of the party's National Congress. 

They plan on travelling to 14 islands in Baa atoll in the campaign run under the title 'Jazeera Raees' which translates to 'Island President'. Apart from door-to-door campaigning via Skype, President Nasheed also plans on interacting with well-known figures in the said communities.

The grand assemblage organized in Baa atoll will be held on Friday in Baa. Thulhaadhoo. 

'Jazeera Raees' campaign is ongoing at a fast speed, as various campaign teams have started travelling to the atolls while similar activities are being carried out in the capital city, Male'. In addition to Baa atoll, a campaign team also plans on leaving to Huvadhu atoll on Thursday night, who will conduct their grand meeting on Saturday in GDh. Thinadhoo. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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