K. Male'
17 May 2018 | Thu 06:49
Attorney Nishan Ibrahim
Attorney Nishan Ibrahim
Murushidh Abdul Hakeem
Civil Rights
Citizens do not need to get permission for rights: Attorney Nishan
He said that the Constitution clearly states how a right can be revoked
He said it is illegal to keep people in confinement if they have psychological problems
He said that the Constitution clearly states how a right can be withheld

Attorney Nishan Ibrahim has said that citizens do not need to seek permission to get their rights.

Speaking on RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program on Wednesday, Nishan said that neither the Constitution nor the Criminal Code mandates that citizens seek permission to get any of their rights.

He also said that the Constitution clearly states how a right can be withheld.

“A basic right can only be withheld to the point set by law. And only to protect Islamic values. There is no other way to revoke a basic right.”

He also said that while there are rules and regulations on detaining people, it is illegal to keep people in confinement if they have psychological problems. He added that those government officials who beak such laws can be criminally charged.

“In the developed countries and in other countries protests are held when people are not given their rights. It can be seen in African and in India.”

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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