K. Male'
16 May 2018 | Wed 11:50
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaking at the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaking at the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy
The Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy
Ex-President Nasheed
Israel's massacre of Palestinians is 'disgraceful', says ex-president Nasheed
Demonstrators have been gathering at the Gaza-Israel border
Nasheed said that the heavy violence is a ‘grave violation of human rights’
The Palestinian health ministry said that 58 of their citizens have been killed by Israeli gunfire

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has voiced discontent with the Israeli treatment of protestors that clashed with their army at its border with Gaza, describing it as a massacre.

In a post on his Twitter account late Wednesday, Nasheed said that the heavy violence is a ‘grave violation of human rights’.

Demonstrators have been gathering at the Gaza-Israel border to protest the US decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem, which supported Israel’s contentious decision to declare the land as its capital.

The Palestinian health ministry said that 58 of their citizens have been killed by Israeli gunfire and that 2,300 had been injured.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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