K. Male'
16 May 2018 | Wed 07:04
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom\'s son in law Mohamed Nadheem addressing the press
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom's son in law Mohamed Nadheem addressing the press
Azmoon Ahmed
Mohamed Nadheem
Nadheem's request to alter jail sentence rejected by the court
Lawyer Siraj requested the court to release Nadheem on house arrest if the charges cannot be excused altogether
The court said that Nadheem cannot be released given that he was sentenced to jail regarding terrorism allegations
Siraj said that even though some of the prisoners under police custody have been given special protection, Nadheem receives none

Presiding Judge Ahmed Hailam finds no reason to alter the jail sentence of Mohamed Nadheem, Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom's son in law, who has been arrested on terrorism allegations regarding the Supreme Court order released on 1st February. 

At the preliminary hearing held on Tuesday, defense lawyer Moosa Siraj requested the court to release Nadheem on house arrest if the charges cannot be excused altogether since he does not hold a criminal record or can be considered as someone in a position to influence evidence. However, the court said that Nadheem cannot be released given that he was sentenced to jail regarding terrorism allegations. 

Siraj then highlighted that not everyone alleged of terrorism are under jail sentences and specified that individuals alleged of abducting Maldives Independent's journalist Ahmed Rilwan are also currently exempt. The defense lawyer also said that Nadheem is being treated differently from other individuals arrested under the same allegations. He said that even though some of the prisoners under police custody have been given special protection, Nadheem receives none.

Regarding which the government lawyers said that special protection can only be arranged for individuals who have held prominant positions in the government. Siraj countered that by saying that if the managing director from Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), Ziyath is allowed special protection, Nadheem who was the chairperson of Fenaka Corporation for over two years deserves the same treatment. 

While the court has given both sides until 12:00 pm of 23rd May to apply any necessary documents prior to the trial, the defense received three days to send evidence. Nadheem was accused of attempting to overthrow the government by conspiring with parliamentarians and former police commissioner Ahmed Areef, following instructions of member of parliament (MP) Faris Maumoon and exploiting police officers to confront other officers on duty. Government lawyers also alleged Nadheem of attempting to overturn the current administration illegally, negatively influencing the government and endangering the public. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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