K. Male'
14 May 2018 | Mon 10:18
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Ex-President Mohamed Nasheed
Persecution of opposition members 'must stop' for free and fair elections to take place: Nasheed
Nasheed said this following summons issued on his campaign manager
The ongoing political persecution of opposition members must stop in order for free and fair elections to take place, he said
A trial against 12 opposition MPs are currently ongoing at the Criminal Court, for allegedly 'breaking police ranks and forcibly entering the parliament'

Self-exiled Former President Mohamed Nasheed has on Sunday said that the ongoing political persecution of opposition members must be halted to pave way for a free and fair election.

The former president, who us running in Maldivian Democratic Party's primary elections despite not being eligible to contest in the presidential elections, said this after his elections campaign manager was served with a court summon chit. In late April, Nasheed announced North-Hithadhoo constituency MP Mohamed Aslam as his campaign manager.

In addition to Aslam, North-Henveiru constituency MP and former Speaker, Abdulla Shahid has also been summoned to the court. Furthermore, Kendhoo constituency MP Ali Hussain was summoned to the court on Sunday, and given 10 days to appoint a lawyer.

Obstruction charges were raised against 12 MPs back in 2016 - under clauses 532 (a) and (c) of the Penal Code - for 'allegedly 'breaking police ranks and forcibly entering the parliament'.

In addition to the three, other MPs charged over the matter are: Maduvvari Constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth, Vilingili Constituency MP Saud Hussain, Hithadhoo Central constituency MP Ibrahim Mohamed Didi, Maafannu West Constituency MP Mohamed Falah, Henveiru South Constituency MP Mohamed Abdul Kareem, Nolhivaram Constituency MP Hussain Areef, Hinnavaru constituency MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Dhihdhoo constituency MP Abdul Latheef Mohamed, and Thulusdhoo constituency MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim. 

If found guilty, they face a jail term of upto four months and 24 days in prison.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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