K. Male'
13 May 2018 | Sun 17:24
Member of parliament (MP) for Kendhoo constituency Ali Hussain
Member of parliament (MP) for Kendhoo constituency Ali Hussain
People Megazine
MP Ali Hussain
Court gives MP Ali Hussain two days to assign a lawyer
The parliamentarian said that the lawyer he formerly appointed has been suspended
Judge Areef informed MP Ali that he will have to continue without a lawyer if he fails to attend the next hearing with one
MP Ali Hussain, as well as 12 other MPs were accused of purposefully interfering with the duty of law enforcers

Member of parliament (MP) for Kendhoo constituency Ali Hussain who is currently being alleged of interfering with the duty of law enforcement officers, has been given the chance to appoint a lawyer again. 

When the presiding judge for the case Adam Areef asked MP Ali whether he was able to assign a lawyer at the second preliminary hearing which took place at the Criminal Court on Sunday, the parliamentarian answered saying that the lawyer he formerly appointed has been suspended and that he has spoken to another lawyer upon receving the notice for the hearing held on Sunday. He added that the aformentioned lawyer has agreed to be his lawyer yet could not attend the court as the name has not been listed at the court. MP Ali Hussain also said that he will be attending the court with his newly appointed lawyer for the next hearing. 

Henceforth, the judge gave MP Ali Hussain two more days to appoint a lawyer. Judge Areef also scheduled the next hearing for Tuesday and informed MP Ali that he will have to continue without a lawyer if he fails to attend the next hearing with one. The second preliminary hearing was concluded after Judge Areef said that he will determine whether or not to continue with the cases against the accused lawmakers depending on how the next hearing proceeds.

MP Ali Hussain, as well as 12 other MPs received the aforementioned allegations due to 'forcefully' entering the parliament on 24th of July 2017. They were all accused of purposefully interfering with the duty of law enforcement officers.

The previous hearing of the case against MP Ali Hussain was held on 5th December last year. 

12 members are receiving allegations: 

1- Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
2- Abdulla Riyaz
3- Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim (Wadde)
4- Ibrahim Mohamed Didi
5- Mohamed Aslam
6- Ali Hussain
7- Mohamed Abdul Kareem (Rukumaa)
8- Mohamed Falaah
9- Hussain Areef
10- Mohamed Ameeth
11- Saud Hussain
12- Abdulla Shahid

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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