K. Male'
13 May 2018 | Sun 17:16
Islamic Ministry distributing zakat money
Islamic Ministry distributing zakat money
Zakat Al-Fitr
Complaints increase regarding registering for zakat
Interested applicants must apply bank statements from all the accounts registered from the four banks in the Maldives
Some of the aforementioned individuals have also said that people living under such poor conditions find it much difficult to access the banks
'The reason for the current procedure is to ensure that all registered individuals are in fact people living under poor conditions', specified Ahsan

People interested in registering as poor for zakat or alms informed RaajjeMV that they have to apply bank statements from all the accounts registered from the four banks in the Maldives and that if there are no bank accounts at any of the banks, they need a written letter from the four banks confirming that. 

While highlighting the difficulties poor face in completing the said processes, some individuals reported to the media saying that the complaints sent to Islamic Ministry have not been addressed. Some of the aforementioned individuals have also said that people living under such poor conditions find it much difficult to access the banks and therefore receive such documents. 

While speaking about the issue on RaajjeMV's 'Fashaairu' program, Islamic Ministry's media official Mohamed Ahsan said that if people do not have bank statements, they will need a letter that confirms it. He also brought into attention the fact that the procedure was not set this year and that it has been the standard procedure for a long time now. 

'The reason for the current procedure is to ensure that all registered individuals are in fact people living under poor conditions', specified Ahsan. 

The opportunity to register on the list is provided prior to every Ramadan. 

According to an announcement made by Islamic Ministry, interested applicants can register on the list from 6th May until 12:00 pm on 15th May.

The announcement also mentioned that people who got registered on the list in the past year have been included in the list and assured that they do not have to reregister. 

People who earn less than MVR 44 per day are considered as poor by the ministry. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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