K. Male'
12 May 2018 | Sat 17:45
Former President Mohamed Nasheed\'s campaign manager and member of parliament for Hithadhoo Uthuru constituency Mohamed Aslam addressing the press
Former President Mohamed Nasheed's campaign manager and member of parliament for Hithadhoo Uthuru constituency Mohamed Aslam addressing the press
MDP Primary Votes
'Nasheed is contesting in the election upon public demand': Campaign Manager
Mohamed Aslam said that he is contesting in the upcoming election because the Maldivian people wants him as their president
MP Aslam said that the work that is about to begin is done for a better future for the upcoming generations
MP Aslam guaranteed President Nasheed's name to be on the 2018 presidential election's ballot paper

Former President Mohamed Nasheed's campaign manager and member of parliament (MP) for North-Hithadhoo constituency Mohamed Aslam said that he is contesting in the upcoming Presidential Election because the Maldivian people wants him to be elected as their president. 

While speaking at the official commencement ceremony of President Nasheed's campaign for the upcoming presidential primary of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), MP Aslam said that the work that is about to begin is done for a better future for the upcoming generations and also to maintain peace in the country and 'to protect our religion'. He added that President Nasheed is ready to achieve the said things. 

MP Aslam assured his unwavering support as President Nasheed's campaign manager and mentioned that he is currently working on Nasheed's guidance. 

According to MP Aslam, the answer to the question President Nasheed's opposition asked regarding the announced candidacy while he is legally unable to run for presidency this year, is that he is contesting regardless because the majority of the Maldivian people wants him to be their president. 

MP for Hithadhoo Uthuru constituency also accused the judiciary of unjustly sentencing President Nasheed and of failing to obey the Supreme Court order that dismissed the unfair charges and said that 'we cannot just sit and wait without doing anything because of it'.

MP Aslam guaranteed President Nasheed's name to be on the 2018 presidential election's ballot paper and reassured an escape from President Yameen's unjust and inhumane government. 

Furthermore, MP Aslam stated President Nasheed's plan to focus on religious and social development, as well as to ensure freedom of press and expression. Aslam described President Nasheed as the savior who would make people's hopes and dreams come true in this island nation, while calling people to vote for him in the upcoming primaries,

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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