K. Male'
12 May 2018 | Sat 02:57
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Nasheed Campaign
Will propose parliamentary system after unity government is established: Nasheed
Nasheed said that Maldivians want a system with all three powers separate in order for those powers not to influence each other
Nasheed said that the presidential system does not fit the Maldives
He said changes need to be made to the justice sytem, the security forces, and institutions

Former President Mohamed Nasheed said that once a unity government is established, he will propose to change the current presidential system into a parliamentary system.

At the launching ceremony of his “Jazeera Raees” or “Island President” campaign on Saturday, Nasheed via video recording said that Maldivians want a system with all three powers separate in order for those powers not to influence each other.

Noting that the new Constitution has seen seven elections, Nasheed said that upon observing the way the citizens voted, it was clear that major changes needed to be made to the Constitution.

Nasheed said that that people experienced harm in the past two and a half year and in order to alleviate it, judges need to bring about changes to the justice system, and the police and military forces needed to be developed, and changes needed to be made to the institutions to greater benefit the people.

He also said that it is clear that the current presidential system does not fit the Maldives since we have already seen how a powerful president can ruin the whole system.

He added that after the 2018 presidential election, the new president of the national unity government’s first task should be to increase the parliament’s term limit by one year.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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