K. Male'
09 May 2018 | Wed 02:25
Ambassador of the Unites States of American to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, Atul Keshap
Ambassador of the Unites States of American to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, Atul Keshap
US Ambassador Atul Keshap
US Ambassador casts doubt if Maldives will see a free and fair election under current ambiance
Keshap thouroughly illuminates the poltiical situation of the Maldives in a tweet he had posted on Tuesday morning
Mentioning the amount of detainees currently doing time, US Ambassador questions if there is room for a free and fair election under such conditions

Atul Keshap, Ambassador of the Unites States of American to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, has cast doubt on the fact that Maldives will see a free and fair election under the current situation it is enclosed by.

Keshap thouroughly illuminates the poltiical situation of the Maldives in a tweet he had posted on Tuesday morning.

His tweet enlightens those who have been jailed for asserting their constitutional rights such as a former president and one more in exile, a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, a Vice President, several elected Members of Parliament and a political party leader.

Mentioning the amount of detainees currently doing time, US Ambassador questions if there is room for a free and fair election under such conditions.

Keshap is known to give bad press to the atrocities of the current administration and for his keen and close observation on the the affairs of Maldives political sphere.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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