K. Male'
07 May 2018 | Mon 17:36
North-Henveiru constituency MP Abdulla Shahid
North-Henveiru constituency MP Abdulla Shahid
MP Abdulla Shahid
Unjust punishment and cruelty shows fragility of the soul : MP Shahid
It is an barbaric act to keep such a noble and worthwhile statesman behind bars: Shahid
Shahid said it has been three months since Gayoom has been in the ruthless and barbaric clutches of Dhoonidhoo island prison and called for his immediate release

Member of Parliament for North-Henveiru constituency Abdulla Shahid has said that unjust punishment and cruelty toward detainees shows the fragility of the soul.

Shahid in a tweet typed out in Dhivehi posted on early Monday morning regarding the deterioration of health conditions since the confinement of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, wrote that it is an barbaric act to keep such a noble and valuable statesman behind bars.

He wrote that it has been three months since Gayoom has been in the ruthless and barbaric clutches of Dhoonidhoo island prison, calling for his immediate and unequivocal release.

Gayoom was taken into police custody in 5th of February along with Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed, mere hours after a state of emergency was declared by half-brother and incumbent President Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

Gayoom is to be kept in confinement for the remainder of his trial on terrorism charges among several others raised against him.

Many of his supporters and his family are unceasingly calling for his transfer to house arrest ever since his health deteriorated.

Gayoom was diagnosed with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) which causes brief spells of spinning sensations which may cause sudden collapses leading to injuries, following which doctors had adviced for someone to be present with Gayoom at all times.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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