K. Male'
07 May 2018 | Mon 06:59
Dr Abdulla Mausoom at the opposition\'s panel discussion on Sunday night
Dr Abdulla Mausoom at the opposition's panel discussion on Sunday night
Abdulla Mausoom
Government should be ashamed of jailing innocent politicians: Ex-Minister
Dr Mauoom implied that if the government can jail and torture opposition leaders it would do much worse to citizens
Those in state institutions should also obey the law and not be burdened by the orders of the president, he added
Dr Mausoom said that former President Maumoon had contributed the most to the modernization of Maldives

Former tourism minister Dr Abdulla Mausoom has said that only a government with a tyrannical ruler can allow innocent politicians to be jailed and tortured.

Dr Mausoom said this at the opposition’s panel discussion on Sunday night while speaking about former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s deteriorating health in jail.

Dr Mauoom said that all the rights of the citizens have been taken away and implied that if the government can jail and torture opposition leaders it would do much worse to citizens.

He said that laws are made in case the person who takes up the leadership position does not do his job well. Those in state institutions should also obey the law and not be burdened by the orders of the president, he added.

Noting the numerous accomplishments of Maumoon, Dr Mausoom said that he had contributed the most to the modernization of Maldives, which includes the development of the education system, health care, and tourism industry.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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